Future Mí

Community Music School of Springfield’s Future Mí program provides teens and young adults with opportunities to build their artistic, professional, and interpersonal skills while expanding their network of community support and resources, with the goal of improving educational and career outcomes.
Workforce development and college readiness are critical aspects of economic mobility for young people in Springfield, and Future Mí addresses these needs through three components: Internships, Bridge Leaders, and STEPS.


CMSS provides paid internships to help young people in and around Springfield develop skills will help them succeed in their careers. This internship program developed out of an overwhelming demand from our current and former students and their families for opportunities to be part of CMSS’ work, as well as an identified need in our community for career building for young people that develop our future workforce and contribute to our local economy.

As an organization dedicated to lifting up our community and shining a light on its assets, CMSS works hard to foster an organizational culture that supports personal and professional growth and fulfillment. In keeping with these values, interns are paid a fair wage, treated with respect, and provided with individualized education and training in the areas that interest them.

opens in a new windowMeet our summer 2024 interns
Meet our 2023-2024 school-year interns
Meet our summer 2023 interns

Our internship program is made possible by generous grant funding from MGM Springfield and MassMutual Foundation.

MGM springfield logo


Bridge Leaders

Bridge Leaders is designed for young people of color ages 17-25 to collaborate and grow within the CMSS community. Together, the students build leadership, practical, and musical skills, learning from CMSS faculty, staff, and each other. The program supports our community’s young creatives as they transition to adulthood and the support systems from their high school years become more difficult to access. We help bridge this gap and develop their creative potential to become the future leaders of Springfield’s artistic community.

opens in a new windowLearn more about the Bridge Leaders Program


Community Music School of Springfield piloted the STEPS program during the 2023-24 school year with the goal of creating accessibility for collegiate music preparation and workforce development for Springfield high school students. STEPS works toward this goal by enhancing high school students’ musical fluency, providing extra help in AP Music Theory class as they prepare for their AP exam, and supporting general college readiness including college audition preparation.

We observe that the racial diversity of music teachers applying for jobs in Springfield does not reflect the diversity of Greater Springfield, and we seek to create more opportunities for future musicians and teachers of color. This partnership with our Springfield high schools is designed to support pathways to post-high school careers in music related fields and the local music work-force.

opens in a new windowLearn more about STEPS’ pilot yearopens IMAGE file


CMSS Perform-A-Thon