Music Production

closeup hand bowing cello

Private and Semi-Private Music Production Lessons

CMSS offers private and semi-private music production lessons for all levels of students who wish to hone their composition skills in the digital realm. Work with a teacher whose background and musical interests aligns with yours as you grow as a musician while learning valuable skills for the digital age.

CMSS also offers a weekly music production class for high school students and adults. Get personalized instruction and collaborate with peers as you create and edit your own music.

Sonido Musica's Young Composers and Producers Program

The Sonido Young Composers Program introduces young people to the composition of music in the digital realm through the development of their own ideas and the possibility of collaborating with others.

The young composers and producers are introduces to the mechanics of a DAW (digital audio workstation), music literacy, form, theory, and lyric writing, all through the creation of their own art.

Students have opportunities for their compositions to be shared across creative placemaking platforms, supported by a grant from MassMutual Foundation, encouraging youth voice and a vibrant cultural Springfield.

CMSS Perform-A-Thon