The Children's Chorus of Springfield is made up of 3 choruses, offering high-quality musical education and creative experiences to children from Kindergarten through high school.
Singing in a chorus is a joyful experience, one that combines creativity and self-expression with the ability to build skills and memories that last a lifetime. In addition to singing great music with beautiful tone and musical and artistic sensitivity, CCS students will grow in confidence, have opportunities to collaborate, and perform within and outside of Springfield.
The choruses will sing a wide variety of repertoire that will introduce singers to the poetry and prose of many languages and cultures. It will be a reflection and affirmation of their world and a window into the world of others. Above all, singing in any of the CCS choruses will be lots and lots of FUN!
Willow Street Chorus: grades 2-4, Mondays 4:30-5:30pm
Neighborhood Chorus: grades 5-8, Thursdays 5:00-6:30pm
City Chorus: grades 9 and up (older teens and twenty-somethings welcome!), Tuesdays 4:30-6:00pm
City Chorus is a vocal ensemble for teens and twenties that will tackle challenging repertoire in 2- and 4-parts in many languages and from many eras, accompanied and a cappella. Vocal health, beauty of tone, blend, intonation and stylistic understanding will be the central focus of the ensemble. Students will gain solid music literacy and ear training skills.
Children’s Chorus of Springfield Director: Laurie Ellington
Children’s Chorus Assistant Director; Director of Willow Street Chorus: Julia Urbank
Placement in and advancement between Choruses is determined by a placement session with the director. For more information, to set up a placement session, or to ask any questions, please contact Laurie Ellington, lellington@communitymusicschool.comcreate new email
Children’s Chorus tuition is free for students enrolled in private lessons at CMSS and current Springfield residents.

The Children’s Chorus of Springfield is grateful to receive generous media sponsorship from The Reminder.
History of the Children's Chorus of Springfield
The Children’s Chorus of Springfield (CCS) was established in 2007 by E. Wayne Abercrombie, Professor Emeritus of Choral Music at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and Vera S. Baker, retired Director of Visual & Performing Arts for the Springfield Public Schools. In 2016, the CCS became a part of Community Music School of Springfield. The Children’s Chorus of Springfield teaches music literacy through singing, cultivates a generation of leaders and ambassadors for Springfield through song, and encourages the active participation of our city’s youth in the Springfield’s vibrant arts community. Participants receive invaluable musical and performance training, learn how to work together, gain self-discipline, and become responsible citizens of the world.