Tara Murphy

Adaptive Music Program / Sonido Musica

Tara Murphy teaches African-Inspired Dance and Drumming in CMSS’ Sonido Musica and Adaptive Music Programs. Tara earned her B.A. in theater and religious studies at Yale University, where she also began studying African dance. At this time Tara began exploring her heritage through African studies at Yale, and was awarded a fellowship to study traditional dance and drumming at the University of Legon in Ghana, West Africa. For the past 25 years, she has studied closely with many African and Afro-Caribbean artists in Washington, D.C., New York City and Boston. She recognizes the practice of African dance and drumming as a tremendous force for healing, meditation, empowerment and community. It is her greatest honor to share the inspiration of these ancient traditions. Tara teaches African inspired dance and drumming for many programs within CMSS. She is currently a META fellow, working with the Massachusetts Cultural Council and New England Conservatory and many other teaching artist colleagues throughout the state. She also teaches West African Dance at Smith College and Springfield College, as well as for many day programs for people with disabilities.

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Tara dancing with her hands in the air and head thrown back with a drummer behind her

CMSS Perform-A-Thon