Sierra Simmons
Associate Director
413-732-8428opens phone dialer Ext: 103ssimmons@communitymusicschool.comcreate new email
Sierra Simmons is a passionate arts lover and arts administrator who is dedicated to
creating the practical supports necessary for artists and the arts to thrive. Sierra
benefited from music education throughout her youth, having grown up in a family of
musicians. She now works at the Community Music School of Springfield to help spread
the impact of arts education, particularly among low-income communities which
historically have had little to no access to this important aspect of youth development.
Sierra has a BA from University of Massachusetts Amherst in English and Sociology
and uses her creative and technical writing skills and an understanding of the structural
causes of social inequities to further equitable arts causes. Sierra believes strongly that
the arts are instrumental in driving social change and creating community-driven
solutions. Sierra has over a decade of experience in nonprofit fundraising, grant
management, project management, and human centered organizational and personnel
policies and practices.
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