Eileen McCaffery
Executive Director
413-732-8428opens phone dialer Ext: 106emccaffery@communitymusicschool.comcreate new email
Eileen McCaffery has served as executive director of Community Music School of Springfield
since 2012, and served on the CMSS Board of Directors from 2006-2012. Prior to joining CMSS
she was a partner in San Francisco-based Montgomery Asset Management as Director of
Global Marketing. In 2019 Eileen was finalist for the Massachusetts Cultural Council
Commonwealth Awards, Massachusetts’ highest honor for achievement in arts and sciences.
Under her leadership at CMSS, the Sonido Musica partnership was a catalyst for bringing music
back to the Springfield public schools, having received National Endowment for the Arts grant
funding, the Yale University Distinguished Music Educator award, and the Massachusetts
Association of School Committees’ Outstanding School Partner award. Today CMSS serves over
2,300 students each week in on-site and in community partnership programs. Eileen’s passion for
creating access to the arts and her dedication to community advocacy is deeply rooted in her
family. Her grandparents were proud immigrants arriving at Ellis island in the 1930s and her
parents were both first-generation college graduates because they had access and opportunities
afforded by the New York City public schools. Eileen is fortunate to lead an organization today
that honors the beauty and diversity of our Springfield community—creating access for all —
inspiring and uplifting through music, creating positive systemic change. Eileen is married to
partner Fred Cuda and proud parent of their children Mia and Sam.
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